Neston Sports

Neston Junior Cricket

Welcome to Neston Junior Cricket

Please click on the age group you are interested in.
We coach from Aged 3 through to U17's at Neston Cricket. (starting times as per below)

Age GroupStart DateTime
ALL SPORTS STARS Age 3 to UNDER 6Friday 25th April 202517:00 - 18:00
UNDER 7/8/9 (Y2,3+4)Friday 11th April 202517:00 - 18:00
UNDER 10/11 (Y5+6)Friday 11th April 202518:15 - 19:45
UNDER 12/13 (Y7+8)Tuesday 8th April 202518:00 - 20:00
UNDER 14/15 (Y9+10)Tuesday 8th April 202518:00 - 20:00
UNDER 16/17(Y11+12)Thursday 1st April 202518:00 - 20:00

Contact Neston Junior Cricket Chairman: Dave Collyer, for further info:

07464 401315

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