Neston Sports

President's Blog - November 2023

Published: 07.11.2023 ( 8 months ago )

President Debbie Mason-Smith reflects on a busy few months & looks ahead to Christmas!

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We’re now well into the Winter Sports Season and the Clubhouse is bursting at the seams on a Saturday with the many Hockey Teams, supporters and the Riff Raff tennis players enjoying a hard earned drink after their games.

It was with great sadness to learn of the passing of past President, Geoff Poole (1988-1993) and captain of 1st Team Hockey (1977-1980) He was responsible for the setting up of Junior Hockey at Neston and was the catalyst for setting up Beavers and Badgers in the North West which then moved nationally. Geoff played 8 times for GB, he also played for Wales 31 times and Captained the Welsh squad. Our condolences go to his Wife, Judy and two daughters.

The events leading up to Christmas are filling up and both Sunday Roast lunches served in October and November have been magnificent. Garni have been serving delicious food and I’m looking forward to the President’s Dinner - not just for the food but for the recognition of our great sportswomen and sportsmen.

Quiz night continues to fill the Sports Bar on a fortnightly Wednesday - big thanks to Emma Nokes for creating the quiz and to Guest Quizmaster, Dan Wakefield.

Thursday Group have had successful trips to the Ironworks in Shropshire and the Llangollen Canal, as well as regular monthly talks and lunches. Coming up they have an origami workshop and their Christmas Lunch and carol singing. Please remind any senior people that this is a friendly, supportive and fun group who meet every week in the Club.

The planning application for the lights on the lower tennis courts was a lengthy process but at last we were successful. A big thank you to Simon Almond and Andy Wallis for the huge amount of work they did to ensure this went through, which was only possible due to their professional experience. The renovation of the Pavilion is almost complete and Sports Instructors in Pilates, metafit, waistaway and similar classes have been interviewed and some examples of these classes will be introduced on a trial basis before Christmas. These will be advertised widely very soon.

Best Wishes to you all,


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