Parkgate Clubhouse

President's Blog - March 2025

Published: 10.03.2025 ( 5 days ago )

President Debbie Mason-Smith reflects on highlights of the year so far, and what's coming up.

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How lovely to see blue skies above us at last. It really helps pick up your mood and probably your racquet too!

The Winter sessions of Neston All Sports Stars (NASS) racquetball/squash coaching are coming to an end. These were oversubscribed and so a second group of children was organised to satisfy the demand for places. The youngsters (aged 3-5) really enjoyed trying a new sport. Registration is now taking place for the summer coaching of tennis and cricket on a Friday evening. A reminder that the 18 weeks of coaching is free to the children who are members and is run by volunteers. I would like to thank everyone for helping and giving up their time.

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On the hockey front, 1st Team player, Louise Alford-Swift has been selected to play for the Wales Masters Squad in the European Championships. What an achievement.

Lots of travelling down to Cardiff and Swansea for training but that’s the commitment Louise has always shown to the sport. We wish her great success. Cymru am byth!

There has been an abundance of junior and senior hockey at the club, and some of the latest successes last Sunday were the U14 team beating Ben Rhydding (nr Bradford) 11-0. This sends them into the T1 Supra League. On the same day, 30 Neston Juniors played in 4 teams in a competition at Deeside. This just shows what a strong junior section we have with great support from parents and coaches.

Our Senior Members in Thursday Group had an enthralling talk last week from Nicky Patterson, who is an Air Traffic Controller working to keep our skies safe at Manchester Airport. There is a whole programme of lunches, interesting talks and trips on the club website and as the weather warms, sports like bowls, boules and croquet will be introduced. The Group meets on a Tuesday morning to play table tennis and have a coffee on Thursday afternoons.

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St David’s Day didn’t go unnoticed at the Club. We celebrated with Lunch in the Cranston with a magnificent 4 course meal served to members and their families and it was great to see young families coming along too. Always remember, everyone is welcome.

The next gastronomic event is Mothering Sunday on 30th March. The menu has been released on the website. Don’t miss it!

July 3-6th Marquee Week will soon be upon us, so get the date in your diary and your tables booked. We would really love to see more families at the Sunday Annual Proms Event, it is a very special day of musical celebration. Information on this special weekend will be coming out from the Club.

Best wishes to all members and our wonderful staff.

Deb Mason-Smith – Neston Club President x


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