President Debbie Mason-Smith reflects on a busy Spring and looks forward to Sunset Sounds!
Deb Mason-Smith
The Club has been very busy over the past month, with Weddings, Parties, Tournaments, League matches and All Sports Stars starting up for another year.
Last Friday saw well over 100 All Sports Stars from age 3 upwards participating in their free sessions of cricket and tennis. We are so grateful for the number of volunteers who turn up each week to make this such a success, without them this would not be possible to maintain. The outside bar had a record taking (probably due to the fabulous weather) and the wedding guests at a private event in the Cranston seemed to be thrilled to see so many young people having such a great time. It just goes to show that private and club events can integrate so well. As a result of All Sports Stars we now have our first ever U9s Girls Cricket Team. It’s great to see so many young children enjoying and participating in sport. Ladies Cricket has seen a squad of around 20 start their training for this season. It’s wonderful to see this back again this year.
I’d like to offer a warm welcome to Laura Paul who takes over from Justin Cowley, as Hockey Chairperson and look forward to working with her. Also, our new Events Manager (Amber Collins) starts with us this month. She is relocating from London to the North Wales coast. Amber comes with a wealth of experience in Event Management, and I am sure will be up and running very soon at our busiest time of Marquee Week. Our Overseas Cricketer from South Africa, Yusuf Ravat, seems to have settled in well with two decent batting scores recently. Thanks to everyone for making him feel so welcome here at Neston.
Andrew Evans Neston’s Squash/Racquetball Coach and Club Coach of the Year organised and ran the Shrimp Open Squash Tournament over two days this month which attracted a staggering 41 entries from Wirral and North Wales. The Men's A Winner was Josh Davies from Wrexham, and the Ladies winner was Lucy Gratton from Heswall. The standard of play was exceptionally high, and it was a delight to watch.
Jo Thorne and her Team organised and ran a Traditional Afternoon Tea in the Cranston for over 100 guests. The baking was very impressive – scones, rhubarb and orange cake, mini pavlova and precisely cut finger sandwiches to name just a few of the delights. Everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon and feedback was 5 Star. There is a lot of hard work which goes into the event and we are grateful for the generosity of our suppliers, Nick the Meat at Neston Market, Roddas Cream, Crossley Farm, Seafood Shack and Tesco. The money raised goes towards the Junior Cricket Section. It was also possible to celebrate Pam Garner’s “special” birthday on that afternoon. Pam is the Chairperson of Thursday Group which also held a Charity Lunch for a local charity - Dementia Together Wirral a few days ago and raised a fine sum of 1,500 pounds Their outside games programme has started and is held on Thursday Afternoons at the Club. All details are on the Club Website.
Reminder for all of the two upcoming events:
Sunset Sounds on Friday 5th July. Enjoy an evening of live music in the sunshine, starting at 4pm through til 11.30pm. Featuring live music from local artists and DJ sets
10th Annual Parkgate Proms is being held in the marquee on Sunday 7th July. The theme of the 32 piece Dell’Arte Orchesta’s music is Going for Gold – as we celebrate the Paris Olympics. It’s a great fun afternoon for all the family and we invite you to bring along your picnic and enjoy drinks from the Marquee Bar. Tickets are available at the Office or online.
Best Wishes
Deb Mason-Smith
President – The Neston Club